Saturday, September 7, 2013

My Opinion: Conditioner

In beauty guru Tati's latest "Tip Tuesday", she shared some tips on how to get healthy hair. For the most part, I thought it was a great video. There was one thing she said that I did not agree with, and that is totally fine. We are all entitled to our own opinion. I'm not saying I'm right and she's wrong or anything, I'm just saying I didn't agree with it (& I don't have anything against Tati, she's one of my favorite beauty gurus).
She said that you shouldn't condition at your roots. I disagree with this because I like to think of my hair like a tree (oh gosh that sounds so stupid!), with my roots being the....roots. I really want to nourish my roots because the roots are what carry nourishment to the tips of my hair. Does that make sense? 
Obviously if you have really greasy hair naturally, you probably don't need the extra nourishment conditioner would give you, so I think it's fine to not condition your roots if that's the case. The best way to nourish your hair is with the natural oils your scalp produces, so if your scalp is already producing those oil very well, go ahead and skip conditioning your roots!
So that's my opinion on conditioning your hair! Go check out Tati's channel! She's great!

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