Saturday, September 21, 2013

Tips for Washing Your Face & Having Clear Skin

  1. Wash your hands before you wash your face! When you wash your face, there's a good chance you touch your entire face. If you don't wash your hands before you wash your face, you will be spreading germs/bacteria all over your face. Washing your hands before you wash your face will help you stay healthy and it will help prevent pimples.
  2. Use proper water temperatures. When you are washing your face, it is important that you use warm water because it will open your pores and allow them to be cleaned. Make sure the water isn't too hot; the hotter the water is the more it will dry out your skin. When you have finished washing your face, make sure you close your pores by splashing cold water on your face. This will help your face stay cleaner longer. Plus it will help you wake up in the morning ;)
  3. Remove your makeup before you wash your face. If makeup is in the way, you will not be able to clean your pores. Removing your makeup before you wash your face will allow you to get a deeper clean.
  4. Exfoliate! Gently exfoliating will help remove dirt, dead skin, and oil from your skin. It will also help prevent blackheads and make your skin softer.
  5. Pat your skin dry. It will help prevent pimples/acne and reduce the spread of bacteria over your face.
  6. Don't over-wash! Only wash your face when you feel it is necessary. If you have oily skin, wash your face morning and night. If you have dry skin, only wash your face once a day; over-washing your face will make your skin more dry and it can also irritate it. Also, always wash your face after a workout!
  7. Less is more. Don't use too many products on your face. The less you use, the easier it will be for your skin to breath. If you're trying to treat acne, try an oral medication rather than loads of products. 
  8. Use face masks! Face masks are awesome! If you have oily skin, a clay mask will help will oil control, which will prevent pimples. If you don't have dry skin, peel off masks are great for any skin type! Face masks will really help keep your face clean. I recommend using a face mask 1-3 times a week.
  9. Make sure any product you put on your face is oil free. Oil will clog your pores, so it is important that the products do not have oil in them, especially makeup! My favorite oil-free foundation is Clean by CoverGirl in the oily skin formula (& I don't have oily skin).
  10. Don't spend a fortune. The price tag means nothing; sometimes the best stuff is the cheapest!
Do you have any tips for washing your face?

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